Terminology =========== redundancy durability Consistency vertical scaling or scaling up horizontally, or scaling out (MongoDB scales horizontally by partitioning data in a processes known as sharding.) accumulating granular fault tolerance compound indexes (As a general rule, a query where one term demands an exact match and another specifies a range requires a compound index where the range key comes second.) pages (4 KB chunks called pages) In MongoDB’s B-tree implementation, a new node is allocated 8,192 bytes(8KB) The maximum key size in MongoDB v2.0 is 1024 bytes page fault thrashing ubiquitous btree (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~smh22/docs/ubiquitous_btree.pdf) sparse != dense covering indexes = index-only queries concern high cardinality Replication network latency arbiter ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)