Tips ==== Install citus on single machine with docker ------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash # Download docker-compose file $ curl -L > docker-compose.yml # Run docker-compose file $ COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=citus docker-compose up -d citus_manager python -u ./ Up citus_master postgres Up>5432/tcp citus_worker_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp # Verify installation $ docker exec -it citus_master psql -U postgres postgres=# SELECT * FROM master_get_active_worker_nodes(); node_name | node_port ----------------+----------- citus_worker_1 | 5432 (1 row) # Shutdown $ COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=citus docker-compose down -v Install citus on a single machine on ubuntu ------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash # Add Citus repository for package manager $ curl | sudo bash # install the server and initialize db $ sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-11-citus-8.1 # this user has access to sockets in /var/run/postgresql $ sudo su - postgres # include path to postgres binaries $ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin $ cd ~ $ mkdir -p citus/coordinator citus/worker1 citus/worker2 # create three normal postgres instances $ initdb -D citus/coordinator $ initdb -D citus/worker1 $ initdb -D citus/worker2 # Add citus extension to postgres config file $ echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'citus'" >> citus/coordinator/postgresql.conf $ echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'citus'" >> citus/worker1/postgresql.conf $ echo "shared_preload_libraries = 'citus'" >> citus/worker2/postgresql.conf # Start db $ pg_ctl -D citus/coordinator -o "-p 9700" -l coordinator_logfile start $ pg_ctl -D citus/worker1 -o "-p 9701" -l worker1_logfile start $ pg_ctl -D citus/worker2 -o "-p 9702" -l worker2_logfile start # Add citus extension $ psql -p 9700 -c "CREATE EXTENSION citus;" $ psql -p 9701 -c "CREATE EXTENSION citus;" $ psql -p 9702 -c "CREATE EXTENSION citus;" # Register workers on coordinator $ psql -p 9700 -c "SELECT * from master_add_node('localhost', 9701);" $ psql -p 9700 -c "SELECT * from master_add_node('localhost', 9702);" # Verify installation $ psql -p 9700 -c "select * from master_get_active_worker_nodes();" node_name | node_port -----------+----------- localhost | 9701 localhost | 9702 (2 rows) $ psql -p 9700 -c "SELECT * from pg_dist_node;" nodeid | groupid | nodename | nodeport | noderack | hasmetadata | isactive | noderole | nodecluster --------+---------+-----------+----------+----------+-------------+----------+----------+------------- 1 | 1 | localhost | 9701 | default | f | t | primary | default 2 | 2 | localhost | 9702 | default | f | t | primary | default (2 rows) # stop db $ pg_ctl -D citus/worker2 stop $ pg_ctl -D citus/worker1 stop $ pg_ctl -D citus/coordinator stop Install citus on multi-machine cluster on Ubuntu ------------------------------------------------- For both coordinator and workers: .. code-block:: bash # Add Citus repository for package manager $ curl | sudo bash # install the server and initialize db $ sudo apt-get -y install postgresql-11-citus-8.1 # preload citus extension $ sudo pg_conftool 11 main set shared_preload_libraries citus $ sudo pg_conftool 11 main set listen_addresses '*' $ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf # Allow unrestricted access to nodes in the local network. The following ranges # correspond to 24, 20, and 16-bit blocks in Private IPv4 address spaces. host all all trust # Also allow the host unrestricted access to connect to itself host all all trust host all all ::1/128 trust # start the db server $ sudo service postgresql restart # and make it start automatically when computer does $ sudo update-rc.d postgresql enable # add the citus extension $ sudo -i -u postgres psql -c "CREATE EXTENSION citus;" Only on coordinator: .. code-block:: bash # Add workers to dns $ sudo vim /etc/hosts w1 w2 # Register workers on coordinator $ sudo -i -u postgres psql -c "SELECT * from master_add_node('w1', 5432);" $ sudo -i -u postgres psql -c "SELECT * from master_add_node('w2', 5432);" # Verify installation $ sudo -i -u postgres psql -c "SELECT * FROM master_get_active_worker_nodes();" node_name | node_port -----------+----------- w1 | 5432 w2 | 5432 (2 rows) # Ready to use $ sudo -i -u postgres psql Have a unique constraint on one field of table ---------------------------------------------- Limitation of Citus Community ----------------------------- Re balance, Replicate, Isolate ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These three important functions are not available: * rebalance_table_shards * replicate_table_shards * isolate_tenant_to_new_shard When you add and register new node, you can not balance current existing filled data to this new empty node. Tenant isolation is not available. Adding a coordinator ++++++++++++++++++++ Users can send their queries to any coordinator and scale out performance. If your setup requires you to use multiple coordinators, please contact us. Worker Node Failures ++++++++++++++++++++ Citus supports two modes of replication 1. PostgreSQL streaming replication. 2. Citus shard replication. Only the second one is available, suited for an append-only workload. and setting needs to be done before distributing data to the cluster. Django ------