Tips ==== Install the Pulumi CLI --------------------- .. code-block:: bash curl -fsSL | sh pulumi version mkdir devops && cd devops pulumi login --local pip install pulumi_aws pip install pulumi_eks pulumi new aws-python Install dependencies -------------------- Notes ++++++ Creating virtual environment... The virtual environment was not created successfully because ensurepip is not available. On Debian/Ubuntu systems, you need to install the python3-venv package using the following command. .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install python3.10-venv Installing aws-python ---------------------- .. code-block:: bash pulumi new aws-python Configure Python virtual environment ------------------------------------ The `Pulumi.yaml` file .. code-block:: yaml name: devops runtime: name: python options: virtualenv: /home/or/ws/tools/env/devops description: A minimal AWS Python Pulumi program Setup AWS Credentials --------------------- .. code-block:: bash aws configure $ cat ~/.aws/credentials Pulumi Amazon EKS guide ----------------------- Diagnostics ------------ Unable to validate AWS credentials ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash aws:iam:Role (cluster-eksRole-role): error: unable to validate AWS credentials. Details: validating provider credentials: retrieving caller identity from STS: operation error STS: GetCallerIdentity, exceeded maximum number of attempts, 3, https response error StatusCode: 0, RequestID: , request send failed, Post "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host Make sure you have set your AWS region, e.g. `pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2`. .. code-block:: bash pulumi config set aws:region us-east-1a Instance type is not supported in your requested Availability Zone ------------------------------------------------------------------ .. code-block:: bash aws:autoscaling:Group (fixedNodeGroup): error: 1 error occurred: * updating urn:pulumi:dev::devops::eks:index:NodeGroupV2$aws:autoscaling/group:Group::fixedNodeGroup: 1 error occurred: * waiting for Auto Scaling Group (fixedNodeGroup) capacity satisfied: 1 error occurred: * Scaling activity (67962305-f219-b4e1-71a7-74c10480fb32): Failed: Your requested instance type (t2.micro) is not supported in your requested Availability Zone (us-west-2d). Please retry your request by not specifying an Availability Zone or choosing us-west-2a, us-west-2b, us-west-2c. Launching EC2 instance failed. UnsupportedAvailabilityZoneException ------------------------------------ View the dependency graph ------------------------- .. code-block:: bash pulumi stack graph g.txt .. code-block:: bash pulumi stack select export PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE="" pulumi stack output kubeconfig > kubeconfig.yml export KUBECONFIG=./kubeconfig.yml kubectl get nodes -A -o wide kubectl get pods -A -o wide kubectl get service -A -o wide kubectl get namespaces -A -o wide kubectl get deployment -A -o wide kubectl describe nodes kubectl describe pods kubectl describe service Pulumi Kubernetes: API Docs --------------------------- State ------ Manually delete a resource that no longer exists because of dependents .. code-block:: bash pulumi refresh pulumi stack export --file stack.json # Lookup `urn:pulumi` in resources section cat stack.json | grep -i urn:pulumi pulumi state delete 'urn:pulumi:dev::****' --target-dependents -y .. code-block:: bash # Get the current stack as json: pulumi stack export --file stack.json # Delete what you don't want from your stack file and then: pulumi stack import --file stack.json aws Load balancer ----------------- The `Load balancer` file: .. code-block:: bash kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart( "lb", kubernetes.helm.v3.ChartOpts( chart="aws-load-balancer-controller", fetch_opts=kubernetes.helm.v3.FetchOpts( repo="" ), namespace=namespace.metadata["name"], values={ "logLevel": "debug", "region": "us-west-2", "replicaCount": "1", "serviceAccount": { "name": "aws-lb-controller-serviceaccount", "create": False, }, "vpcId": vpc.vpc_id, "clusterName": cluster_name, "podLabels": { "app": "aws-lb-controller" }, "autoDiscoverAwsRegion": "true", "autoDiscoverAwsVpcID": "true", "keepTLSSecret": True, }, ), pulumi.ResourceOptions( provider=provider, parent=namespace ) ) The `Ingress` file: .. code-block:: python kubernetes.networking.v1.Ingress( "ingress", metadata=kubernetes.meta.v1.ObjectMetaArgs( name='ingress', namespace=namespace.metadata["name"], annotations={ "": "alb", "": "instance", "": "internet-facing", '': ',', # '': '[{"HTTPS":443}, {"HTTP":80}]', }, labels={ 'app': 'ingress' }, ), spec=kubernetes.networking.v1.IngressSpecArgs( rules=[ kubernetes.networking.v1.IngressRuleArgs( host='', http=kubernetes.networking.v1.HTTPIngressRuleValueArgs( paths=[ kubernetes.networking.v1.HTTPIngressPathArgs( path="/", path_type="Prefix", backend=kubernetes.networking.v1.IngressBackendArgs( service=kubernetes.networking.v1.IngressServiceBackendArgs(, port=kubernetes.networking.v1.ServiceBackendPortArgs( number=80, ), ), ), ), ], ), ), kubernetes.networking.v1.IngressRuleArgs( host='', http=kubernetes.networking.v1.HTTPIngressRuleValueArgs( paths=[ kubernetes.networking.v1.HTTPIngressPathArgs( path="/", path_type="Prefix", backend=kubernetes.networking.v1.IngressBackendArgs( service=kubernetes.networking.v1.IngressServiceBackendArgs(, port=kubernetes.networking.v1.ServiceBackendPortArgs( number=80, ), ), ), ), ], ), ) ], ), opts=pulumi.ResourceOptions(provider=provider) ) The `External dns` file: .. code-block:: python kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart( "external-dns", kubernetes.helm.v3.ChartOpts( chart="external-dns", fetch_opts=kubernetes.helm.v3.FetchOpts( repo="" ), namespace=namespace.metadata["name"], values={ "logLevel": "debug", 'provider': 'cloudflare', 'sources': ['ingress'], 'domainFilters': [''], "cloudflare": { "apiToken": 'token', "email": 'email', 'cloudflare-dns-records-per-page': '5000', 'proxied': False, }, "replicaCount": "1", "region": "us-west-2", }, ), pulumi.ResourceOptions( provider=provider, parent=namespace ) ) Create AWS Certificate Manager and DNS Validation with Cloud flare ================================================================== .. code-block:: python import pulumi import pulumi_aws as aws import pulumi_cloudflare as cloudflare # Create Certificate for primary domain and wild subdomain certificate = aws.acm.Certificate("cert", domain_name="", validation_method="DNS", subjectAlternativeNames=["*"]) # Create a Cloudflare Record record = cloudflare.Record("record", type="CNAME", name="_example", value=f"{certificate.domain_validation_options[0].resource_record_name}", zone_id="abcdef") # Create Certificate Validation certificate_validation = aws.acm.CertificateValidation("certificateValidation", certificate_arn=certificate.arn, validation_record_fqdns=[]) # Export the ARN of the validation certificate pulumi.export('certificateValidationArn', certificate_validation.certificate_arn) Stack ***** .. code-block:: bash pulumi stack ls pulumi stack select dev Set secret ********** Enter your passphrase to unlock config/secrets (set PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE or PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE_FILE to remember): .. code-block:: bash export PULUMI_CONFIG_PASSPHRASE='' Custom timeout ************** .. code-block:: bash from pulumi import CustomTimeouts kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart( "lb", kubernetes.helm.v3.ChartOpts( chart="aws-load-balancer-controller", fetch_opts=kubernetes.helm.v3.FetchOpts( repo="" ), namespace=namespace.metadata["name"], values={ "logLevel": "debug", }, ), pulumi.ResourceOptions( provider=provider, parent=namespace, custom_timeouts=CustomTimeouts(create='3m') ) ) Helm Chart vs Release ********************* Private EKS *********** To deploy an AWS EKS cluster that's only accessible via private IP, you don't necessarily need Application Load Balancers (ALBs) or Network Load Balancers (NLBs) unless you want to expose services within the cluster through a load balancer that's also only accessible within your VPC. The tags '' and '' are used by Kubernetes to determine which subnets are used for internal and external load balancers. If the goal is to keep the cluster internal and not expose it to the public internet, you should use '': '1' for your subnets and not use '': '1', as this indicates public-facing load balancers. Using a NAT Gateway strategy of ONE_PER_AZ will configure one NAT Gateway per availability zone, allowing resources within private subnets to access the internet for necessary operations (like downloading container images) while remaining inaccessible from the outside. This is often used for clusters that need outbound internet access but do not require any inbound access from the internet. .. code-block:: bash import pulumi import pulumi_eks as eks # Create an EKS cluster with private access only and setup a NAT Gateway strategy ONE_PER_AZ cluster = eks.Cluster('private-eks-cluster', skip_default_node_group=True, # Replace with the VPC ID you want to use. vpc_id="vpc-id-placeholder", # Replace with your private subnets. private_subnet_ids=["private-subnetid-placeholder1", "private-subnetid-placeholder2"], endpoint_private_access=True, endpoint_public_access=False, # List of instance IAM roles for the EKS cluster. instance_roles=[/* ... instance roles ... */], nat_gateway_strategy=eks.NatGatewayStrategy.ONE_PER_AZ, # If you need tags for subnets (without using auto-generated VPC & subnets), you need to tag your subnets outside of Pulumi. )