

Setting up Conode on each of servers:





$ docker run -it --rm -p 6879-6880:6879-6880 --name conode -v ~/conode_data:/conode_data dedis/conode:latest ./conode setup


Setting up a cothority-server.

Please enter the [address:]PORT for incoming requests [6879]:

We now need to get a reachable address for other Servers
and clients to contact you. This address will be put in a group definition
file that you can share and combine with others to form a Cothority roster.
Creating private and public keys for suite Ed25519.
Public key: b097aca656644fc86eaade5f3e14d74a922e7d5e4d0e2f1a05d7a2750edfde02

Give a description of the cothority [New cothority]: cothority-1

Please enter a folder for the configuration files [/root/.config/conode]:
Success! You can now use the conode with the config file /root/.config/conode/private.toml
Saved a group definition snippet for your server at /root/.config/conode/public.toml
  Address = "tls://"
  Suite = "Ed25519"
  Public = "b097aca656644fc86eaade5f3e14d74a922e7d5e4d0e2f1a05d7a2750edfde02"
  Description = "New cothority"

All configurations saved, ready to serve signatures now.

Check conode_data created directory:

$ ls ~/conode_data/
    private.toml  public.toml

$ cat ~/conode_data/public.toml
      Address = "tls://"
      Suite = "Ed25519"
      Public = "b097aca656644fc86eaade5f3e14d74a922e7d5e4d0e2f1a05d7a2750edfde02"
      Description = "cothority-1"

Starting Conode:

$ docker run --rm -p 6879-6880:6879-6880 --name conode -v ~/conode_data:/conode_data dedis/conode:latest


3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 241) - Starting service ftCoSiService
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 253) - Started Service ftCoSiService
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 241) - Starting service Status
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 253) - Started Service Status
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 241) - Starting service Skipchain
3 : (            messaging.NewPropagationFunc: 103) - Registering new propagation for tls:// SkipchainPropagate 357a62ee-c495-365b-9aed-e781d5a8285e
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 253) - Started Service Skipchain
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 241) - Starting service PoPServer
3 : (            messaging.NewPropagationFunc: 103) - Registering new propagation for tls:// PoPPropagateFinal 251a9e2d-b3a4-3a25-ac5b-e6b89d265be9
3 : (            messaging.NewPropagationFunc: 103) - Registering new propagation for tls:// PoPPropagateDescription 2144ba19-9d1e-33a0-9353-c2940af373eb
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 253) - Started Service PoPServer
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 241) - Starting service Identity
3 : (            messaging.NewPropagationFunc: 103) - Registering new propagation for tls:// IdentityPropagateID 7b7a50c0-7c42-3465-8fd7-42b5111c6e46
3 : (            messaging.NewPropagationFunc: 103) - Registering new propagation for tls:// IdentityPropagateSB 6b35d1a9-5f89-39b7-bc64-d39424dad041
3 : (            messaging.NewPropagationFunc: 103) - Registering new propagation for tls:// IdentityPropagateConf 816f3244-bae7-38ca-a916-7dca0c635d6a
3 : (             identity.(*Service).tryLoad: 795) - Successfully loaded
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 253) - Started Service Identity
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 241) - Starting service evoting
1 : (                    659) - Pin: f810aac19b690830d3e0c79a6c00a279
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 253) - Started Service evoting
3 : (                  onet.newServiceManager: 257) - tls:// instantiated all services
1 : (                    onet.(*Server).Start: 203) - Starting server at 2019-02-04 07:53:05 on address tls:// with public key b097aca656644fc86eaade5f3e14d74a922e7d5e4d0e2f1a05d7a2750edfde02
2 : (                 onet.(*WebSocket).start:  93) - Starting to listen on


Status of conodes

Copy the public.toml file from servers to somewhere you want to run status command:

$ scp ubuntu@  ct1_public.toml
$ scp ubuntu@  ct2_public.toml
$ scp ubuntu@  ct3_public.toml
$ cat ct1_public.toml ct2_public.toml ct3_public.toml >  public.toml
$ cat public.toml

  Address = "tls://"
  Suite = "Ed25519"
  Public = "b097aca656644fc86eaade5f3e14d74a922e7d5e4d0e2f1a05d7a2750edfde02"
  Description = "cothority-1"
  Address = "tls://"
  Suite = "Ed25519"
  Public = "7a6e03ba71bd87aa1a62972eb20788ab21250ea23ad3166e995225278b227983"
  Description = "cothority-2"
  Address = "tls://"
  Suite = "Ed25519"
  Public = "2c84becca826a737560d572ce1f4e4bbda47f32044611e660dcf5b27cf2c30c2"
  Description = "cothority-3"

To get the status of the conodes in the cothority:

$ go get
# @note: You can use `DEDIS_GROUP` env and set path of `public.toml` and run `status` cmd like this:
$ export DEDIS_GROUP=public.toml
$ ~/go/bin/status --group $DEDIS_GROUP

# @note: And also you can change the name of `public.toml` to `group.toml` and run `status` cmd like this:
$ ~/go/bin/status


Db.FreeAlloc: 8192
Db.FreePageN: 0
Db.FreelistInuse: 32
Db.Open: true
Db.OpenTxN: 0
Db.PendingPageN: 2
Db.Tx.CursorCount: 32
Db.Tx.NodeCount: 7
Db.Tx.NodeDeref: 0
Db.Tx.PageAlloc: 57344
Db.Tx.PageCount: 14
Db.Tx.Rebalance: 0
Db.Tx.RebalanceTime: 0s
Db.Tx.Spill: 7
Db.Tx.SpillTime: 68.734µs
Db.Tx.Split: 0
Db.Tx.Write: 21
Db.Tx.WriteTime: 13.224429ms
Db.TxN: 14
Generic.Available_Services: Identity,PoPServer,Skipchain,Status,evoting,ftCoSiService
Generic.ConnType: tls
Generic.Description: cothority-1
Generic.GoRelease: go1.10.1
Generic.Port: 6879
Generic.RX_bytes: 1322
Generic.System: linux/amd64/go1.10.1
Generic.TX_bytes: 2095
Generic.Uptime: 2h32m46.804728179s
Generic.Version: 2.0
Skipblock.Blocks: 0
Skipblock.Bytes: 0
Db.FreeAlloc: 8192
Db.FreePageN: 0
Db.FreelistInuse: 32
Db.Open: true
Db.OpenTxN: 0
Db.PendingPageN: 2
Db.Tx.CursorCount: 27
Db.Tx.NodeCount: 7
Db.Tx.NodeDeref: 0
Db.Tx.PageAlloc: 57344
Db.Tx.PageCount: 14
Db.Tx.Rebalance: 0
Db.Tx.RebalanceTime: 0s
Db.Tx.Spill: 7
Db.Tx.SpillTime: 22.611µs
Db.Tx.Split: 0
Db.Tx.Write: 21
Db.Tx.WriteTime: 14.09274ms
Db.TxN: 9
Generic.Available_Services: Identity,PoPServer,Skipchain,Status,evoting,ftCoSiService
Generic.ConnType: tls
Generic.Description: cothority-2
Generic.GoRelease: go1.10.1
Generic.Port: 6879
Generic.RX_bytes: 2095
Generic.System: linux/amd64/go1.10.1
Generic.TX_bytes: 1322
Generic.Uptime: 1h50m37.783106977s
Generic.Version: 2.0
Skipblock.Blocks: 0
Skipblock.Bytes: 0
Db.FreeAlloc: 8192
Db.FreePageN: 0
Db.FreelistInuse: 32
Db.Open: true
Db.OpenTxN: 0
Db.PendingPageN: 2
Db.Tx.CursorCount: 24
Db.Tx.NodeCount: 7
Db.Tx.NodeDeref: 0
Db.Tx.PageAlloc: 57344
Db.Tx.PageCount: 14
Db.Tx.Rebalance: 0
Db.Tx.RebalanceTime: 0s
Db.Tx.Spill: 7
Db.Tx.SpillTime: 24.517µs
Db.Tx.Split: 0
Db.Tx.Write: 21
Db.Tx.WriteTime: 14.166472ms
Db.TxN: 6
Generic.Available_Services: Identity,PoPServer,Skipchain,Status,evoting,ftCoSiService
Generic.ConnType: tls
Generic.Description: cothority-3
Generic.GoRelease: go1.10.1
Generic.Port: 6879
Generic.RX_bytes: 0
Generic.System: linux/amd64/go1.10.1
Generic.TX_bytes: 0
Generic.Uptime: 2m26.909041005s
Generic.Version: 2.0
Skipblock.Blocks: 0
Skipblock.Bytes: 0

Collective Signing

$ go get
$ date > /tmp/my_file
# @note: You can change the name of `group.toml` to `public.toml`! and run `ftcosi` cmd like this:
$ ~/go/bin/ftcosi sign  /tmp/my_file | tee sig.json
# @note: And also you can use `DEDIS_GROUP` env and set path of `public.toml` and run `ftcosi` cmd like this:
$ export DEDIS_GROUP=group.toml
$ ~/go/bin/ftcosi sign --group $DEDIS_GROUP /tmp/my_file | tee sig.json


    "Hash": "f28d7749dfd8dc2275345a134995e4b432fe051e56d1d2cac2d346cf475c5e52",
    "Signature": "ec4ccdb41c2c37caad5a26a0e575bff9aefea7f6993e3a47dc30ca8e888d73d9eb24289227e6cc9d699be407791da2e57ded947930ba4586baee3143918fc00203"


$ ~/go/bin/ftcosi verify --group $DEDIS_GROUP --signature sig.json /tmp/my_file

    [+] OK: Signature is valid.


$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/ && go build -o $GOPATH/bin/evoting ./...

$ ~/go/bin/evoting-admin --help

 -admins string
        list of admin users
  -id string
        ID of the master chain to modify (optional)
  -key string
        public key of authentication server
  -pin string
        service pin
  -roster string
        path to roster toml file
        Show the current Master config
  -sig string
        A signature proving that you can login to Tequila with the given SCIPER.

Make a new master chain:

$ cp public.toml  roster.toml
$ evoting-admin -roster roster.toml -pin f810aac19b690830d3e0c79a6c00a279 -admins 0,1,2,3

    I : (main.main:  83) - Auth-server private key: 4fba8025c5ba783fe30bdb2bab653307a1fa23e29f9f42fe9fbaca93dbf05d09
    I : (main.main: 114) - Auth-server public  key: 87e1df80e37bd624c3a0a5852f28cf97d0705017c5da0bb7b0a047137db5d6ed
    I : (main.main: 115) - Master ID: cf5f2f9bc05fc115e4d2ef869405a3e0841dff80bc8b36183f5f9d4142470b0c

Output of conode server:

2 : (                onet.wsHandler.ServeHTTP: 178) - ws request from evoting/Link
2 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 177) - Creating new skipchain with roster [tls:// tls:// tls://]
3 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 349) - Propagate 1 blocks
3 : (   skipchain.(*Service).startPropagation: 1145) - Starting to propagate for service tls://
3 : (      messaging.NewPropagationFunc.func2: 114) - tls:// Starting to propagate *skipchain.PropagateSkipBlocks
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (c687bde8-b612-577b-bc3c-dfb982382b64): SkipchainPropagate
3 : (               network.(*Router).connect: 204) - tls://[::]:6879 Connecting to tls://
2 : (                      network.NewTLSConn: 369) - NewTLSConn to: tls://
2 : (network.NewTLSListenerWithListenAddr.func1: 243) - Got new connection request from:
3 : (            network.makeVerifier.func1.1: 276) - verify cert -> b097aca656644fc86eaade5f3e14d74a922e7d5e4d0e2f1a05d7a2750edfde02
3 : (            network.makeVerifier.func1.1: 276) - verify cert -> b097aca656644fc86eaade5f3e14d74a922e7d5e4d0e2f1a05d7a2750edfde02
3 : (               network.(*Router).connect: 210) - tls://[::]:6879 Connected to tls://
3 : (            network.(*Router).handleConn: 273) - tls://[::]:6879 Handling new connection from tls://
3 : (            network.(*Router).handleConn: 273) - tls://[::]:6879 Handling new connection from tls://
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 165) - tls:// Got data from tls:// and setting timeout to 15s
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 182) - tls:// Sending to children
3 : (               network.(*Router).connect: 204) - tls://[::]:6879 Connecting to tls://
2 : (                      network.NewTLSConn: 369) - NewTLSConn to: tls://
3 : (               network.(*Router).connect: 204) - tls://[::]:6879 Connecting to tls://
2 : (                      network.NewTLSConn: 369) - NewTLSConn to: tls://
3 : (            network.makeVerifier.func1.1: 276) - verify cert -> 2c84becca826a737560d572ce1f4e4bbda47f32044611e660dcf5b27cf2c30c2
3 : (            network.makeVerifier.func1.1: 276) - verify cert -> 7a6e03ba71bd87aa1a62972eb20788ab21250ea23ad3166e995225278b227983
3 : (               network.(*Router).connect: 210) - tls://[::]:6879 Connected to tls://
3 : (            network.(*Router).handleConn: 273) - tls://[::]:6879 Handling new connection from tls://
3 : (               network.(*Router).connect: 210) - tls://[::]:6879 Connected to tls://
3 : (            network.(*Router).handleConn: 273) - tls://[::]:6879 Handling new connection from tls://
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 215) - tls:// done, isroot: true
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (c687bde8-b612-577b-bc3c-dfb982382b64): SkipchainPropagate has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (c687bde8-b612-577b-bc3c-dfb982382b64): SkipchainPropagate
3 : (         messaging.propagateStartAndWait: 142) - Finished propagation with 3 replies
3 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 359) - Block added, replying. New latest is: cf5f2f9bc05fc115e4d2ef869405a3e0841dff80bc8b36183f5f9d4142470b0c, at index 0
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
2 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 206) - Adding block with roster [tls:// tls:// tls://] to cf5f2f9bc05fc115e4d2ef869405a3e0841dff80bc8b36183f5f9d4142470b0c
3 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 315) - Checking if all nodes from roster accept block
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).RegisterHandler: 295) - Registered handler PTID(skipchain.ProtoExtendRoster:a8a68b7b918356b69ce0333776a166b0) with flags 0
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).RegisterHandler: 295) - Registered handler PTID(skipchain.ProtoExtendRosterReply:bb6cd0d0ac0b5a5c84a5279f0fc266a6) with flags 0
3 : (         skipchain.(*ExtendRoster).Start:  90) - Starting Protocol ExtendRoster
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (d157abe9-6533-5490-a32a-8d206d8469d1): scExtendRoster
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (d157abe9-6533-5490-a32a-8d206d8469d1): scExtendRoster has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (d157abe9-6533-5490-a32a-8d206d8469d1): scExtendRoster
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (  skipchain.(*Service).forwardLinkLevel0: 825) - tls:// is adding forward-link to [tls:// tls:// tls://]: 0->1
3 : (              byzcoinx.(*ByzCoinX).Start:  77) - Starting prepare phase
3 : (                protocol.(*FtCosi).Start: 332) - Starting CoSi
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (d629e4fc-b3db-5a96-85f9-37d7fb49cd49): SkipchainBFTNew
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 120) - leader protocol started
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).RegisterHandler: 295) - Registered handler PTID(protocol.Stop:9d8b4bf59a8a5ea79bfda30dbb7e4be8) with flags 0
3 : (             protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Start: 277) - tls:// Starting subCoSi
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 148) - tls:// all protocols started
3 : (       protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch.func1: 124) - tls:// starting verification
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (eee01075-292f-5128-8bb0-c1b54565e9ae): SkipchainBFTNew_subcosi_prep
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 105) - tls:// received announcement
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (26104825-e456-5c14-9d7c-91c42903402a): SkipchainBFTNew_cosi_prep
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 167) - tls:// finished receiving commitments,  1 commitment(s) received
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 164) - root-node generating global challenge
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 220) - tls:// received challenge
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 238) - tls:// received all 1 response(s)
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (eee01075-292f-5128-8bb0-c1b54565e9ae): SkipchainBFTNew_subcosi_prep has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (eee01075-292f-5128-8bb0-c1b54565e9ae): SkipchainBFTNew_subcosi_prep
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (               protocol.generateResponse: 111) - tls:// Verification successful
3 : (               protocol.generateResponse: 120) - tls:// is done aggregating responses with total of 2 responses
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 218) - tls:// starts final signature
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 226) - Root-node is done without errors
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (26104825-e456-5c14-9d7c-91c42903402a): SkipchainBFTNew_cosi_prep has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (26104825-e456-5c14-9d7c-91c42903402a): SkipchainBFTNew_cosi_prep
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (           byzcoinx.(*ByzCoinX).Dispatch: 149) - Finished prepare phase
3 : (           byzcoinx.(*ByzCoinX).Dispatch: 152) - Starting commit phase
3 : (                protocol.(*FtCosi).Start: 332) - Starting CoSi
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 120) - leader protocol started
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (5af294ee-859a-5df6-8b6d-118f54741ede): SkipchainBFTNew_cosi_commit
3 : (       protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch.func1: 124) - tls:// starting verification
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).RegisterHandler: 295) - Registered handler PTID(protocol.Stop:9d8b4bf59a8a5ea79bfda30dbb7e4be8) with flags 0
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (f7176736-e73e-579d-a837-c0f0e9578d9a): SkipchainBFTNew_subcosi_commit
3 : (             protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Start: 277) - tls:// Starting subCoSi
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 148) - tls:// all protocols started
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 105) - tls:// received announcement
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 167) - tls:// finished receiving commitments,  1 commitment(s) received
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 164) - root-node generating global challenge
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 220) - tls:// received challenge
3 : (          protocol.(*SubFtCosi).Dispatch: 238) - tls:// received all 1 response(s)
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (f7176736-e73e-579d-a837-c0f0e9578d9a): SkipchainBFTNew_subcosi_commit has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (f7176736-e73e-579d-a837-c0f0e9578d9a): SkipchainBFTNew_subcosi_commit
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (               protocol.generateResponse: 111) - tls:// Verification successful
3 : (               protocol.generateResponse: 120) - tls:// is done aggregating responses with total of 2 responses
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 218) - tls:// starts final signature
3 : (             protocol.(*FtCosi).Dispatch: 226) - Root-node is done without errors
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (5af294ee-859a-5df6-8b6d-118f54741ede): SkipchainBFTNew_cosi_commit has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (5af294ee-859a-5df6-8b6d-118f54741ede): SkipchainBFTNew_cosi_commit
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (           byzcoinx.(*ByzCoinX).Dispatch: 166) - Finished commit phase
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (d629e4fc-b3db-5a96-85f9-37d7fb49cd49): SkipchainBFTNew has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (d629e4fc-b3db-5a96-85f9-37d7fb49cd49): SkipchainBFTNew
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (  skipchain.(*Service).forwardLinkLevel0: 845) - tls:// adds forward-link to [tls:// tls:// tls://]: 0->1 - fwlinks:[]
3 : (   skipchain.(*Service).startPropagation: 1145) - Starting to propagate for service tls://
3 : (      messaging.NewPropagationFunc.func2: 114) - tls:// Starting to propagate *skipchain.PropagateSkipBlocks
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (099668f4-049f-5d59-b850-6227e076ccd9): SkipchainPropagate
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 165) - tls:// Got data from tls:// and setting timeout to 15s
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 182) - tls:// Sending to children
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 215) - tls:// done, isroot: true
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (099668f4-049f-5d59-b850-6227e076ccd9): SkipchainPropagate has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (099668f4-049f-5d59-b850-6227e076ccd9): SkipchainPropagate
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (         messaging.propagateStartAndWait: 142) - Finished propagation with 3 replies
3 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 329) - Asking forward-links from all linked blocks
3 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 349) - Propagate 2 blocks
3 : (   skipchain.(*Service).startPropagation: 1145) - Starting to propagate for service tls://
3 : (      messaging.NewPropagationFunc.func2: 114) - tls:// Starting to propagate *skipchain.PropagateSkipBlocks
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 455) - Starting node tls:// (c545a7d1-af42-518b-a7e9-4538384620cf): SkipchainPropagate
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 165) - tls:// Got data from tls:// and setting timeout to 15s
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 182) - tls:// Sending to children
3 : (         messaging.(*Propagate).Dispatch: 215) - tls:// done, isroot: true
3 : (           onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).Done: 571) - tls:// (c545a7d1-af42-518b-a7e9-4538384620cf): SkipchainPropagate has finished. Deleting its resources
3 : (  onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).closeDispatch: 328) - Closing node tls:// (c545a7d1-af42-518b-a7e9-4538384620cf): SkipchainPropagate
3 : (onet.(*TreeNodeInstance).dispatchMsgReader: 459) - Closing reader
3 : (         messaging.propagateStartAndWait: 142) - Finished propagation with 3 replies
3 : (     skipchain.(*Service).StoreSkipBlock: 359) - Block added, replying. New latest is: 84291836f8e62e7f4b619de39d724eb5546ebecf24392155627181df3d24ffcc, at index 1


$ cisc --help

 link, ln       create and use links with admin privileges
 skipchain, sc  work with the underlying skipchain
 data, cfg      updating and voting on data
 keyvalue, kv   storing and retrieving key/value pairs
 ssh            interacting with the ssh-keys stored in the skipchain
 follow, f      follow skipchains
 web, w         add a web-site to a skipchain
 cert, c        create and use links with admin privileges
 help, h        Shows a list of commands or help for one command

Connecting to one conode:

$ cisc link pin

    Please read PIN in server-log

Output of conode server:

2 : (onet.wsHandler.ServeHTTP: 178) - ws request from Identity/PinRequest
3 : (identity.(*Service).PinRequest: 117) - PinRequest tls://
I : (identity.(*Service).PinRequest: 121) - PIN: 494777
3 : (onet.wsHandler.ServeHTTP: 188) - Got an error while executing Identity/PinRequest: Read PIN in server-log
$ cisc link pin 494777

    Successfully linked with tcp://
$ ls  ~/.cisc/


Creating an identity:

$ cisc skipchain create group.toml

    Found full link to conode: 44251bc84a7fe20a2fe0064b4ff858a01a5c14a3d4196239ea5d29e8b5cde354
    Creating new blockchain-identity for omid in roster [tls:// tls:// tls://]
    New cisc-id is: c1d0e4ab9b91781101406687c8d72992039955b653dfdc037fbf5758ccbd2a8d

Storing a key/value pair

$ cisc keyvalue add name omid

    Stored key-value pair

$ cisc keyvalue add family raha

Stored key-value pair
$ cisc  keyvalue list

    family: raha
    name: omid

$ cisc  keyvalue list c1d0e4ab9b91781101406687c8d72992039955b653dfdc037fbf5758ccbd2a8d

    family: raha
    name: omid